
Clinical Trials in Barcelona

Clinical Trials in BarcelonaClinical Trials in Barcelona
Clinical Trials in BarcelonaClinical Trials in Barcelona
The pharmaceutical industry invests heavily to develop its products. Despite the crisis suffered by pharmacies, and especially by hospital pharmacies, the industry seems to be picking up again, based on a report recently published by IMS Health. This has a direct impact on companies dedicated to conducting clinical trials in Barcelona, whose service offers continue to grow while the industry keeps growing and slowly recovering.

Thus, the conduct of clinical trials in Barcelona is one of the many elements that benefit CROs that are closely related with the pharmaceutical industry and offer them the option of outsourcing part of the drug manufacturing and follow-up process in a clinical trial, which decreases their investment and risks assumed, which are shared with the CRO and, in turn, these allow clinical trial CROs in Barcelona to continue growing, offering more specialized services based on their clients' needs. 

Conducting Clinical Trials in Barcelona

At BioClever, we help our clients conduct  clinical trials in Barcelona, guaranteeing a professional, quality service, because we have been certified by UNE EN ISO 9001:2008 since 2009, which regulates Quality Management Systems in organizations. Thus, all our clients have access at all times to a team of professionals almost completely accredited in ACRP that provide them with all the solutions they might need, providing guidance on the design and development of clinical trials to reach the best results while minimizing any risks. 
In summary, if you are looking for a company that conducts clinical trials in Barcelona, do not hesitate to contact us and we will provide the best solution for you.

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